I Want to Kill My Wife
My second novel is live. ready to order. I Want to Kill My Wife is a story about a close net family's personal struggle with the mental...

I Want to Kill My Wife
Announcing the release of my latest novel, "I Want to Kill My Wife" based on a true story

Writers YouTube Channel
The Sonora Writers Group has launched their new You Tube Channel. For all their members to announce meetings, activities, workshops, new...

Tea With the King
The Sonora Writers Group and Here's the Scoop will host their first annual Tea Party Feb. 16th 11-3 pm at Here's the Scoop 18178 Main...

I Want to Kill My Wife
I have just finished my first draft of my second book, "I Want to Kill My Wife." Like "With Dignity" it too, is based on a true story,...

Catch My Presentation on Celebrity Cruise Line
Celebrity Cruise has offered me two dates to present my novel, With Dignity,". I will be reading and leading a discussion on writing...

With Dignity Book Discussion
Monday July 30th 6pm - 7:30 pm I will be at Sierra Cellars Wine Tasting Room in Twain Harte 22964 Meadow Lane. I will be reading from my...

Hoopla Wine and Books @ the Sierra Cellars
The Sonora Writers Group and the Sierra Cellars Wine Tasting Room in Twain Harte have joined efforts to spread the word about good books...